Silk Road forums
Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: ArmTrax on May 21, 2012, 05:26 am
Ok, so I have been banging pills for over a year. Roxies mostly.
I have never had the opportunity to get heroin in my local area, so I get on the road and its what I want to try. I have made 2 orders. My first was rydivinci and I was totally happy with the feeling.
A week or so later I ordered a g of #3 from psilocin, and again, good stuff.
Then I had no more. I have no real desire to order more, and I have no desire to go score a pill. WTF!!!
I aint done shit in over 10 days, longer than Ive gone in some time. I have the money to score IRL or on here, I just dont want to. WTF!!!
As long as you have no desire to do either, I'd say I'm happy for you.
I knew the first time I did H that my cash would never be spent on pills again... I just didn't expect to not have it be all I think about. I have fond memories of it, like one might have of a hot ex girlfriend. I'll probably end up doing it again, but damn. I was scared doing H would increase my addiction, and maybe if I could buy H within 300 miles of here it might. But so far so good.
ohhhhhhhhhhh.... ok
Good for you mate! I'd try that if I wasn't to shit scared of trying heroin!